Are the Holidays a Good Time to Sell a Home?
Nov 17, 2022
Should home sellers wait out the holidays?
It happens every year around this time. We start getting calls asking, "Are the holidays a good time to sell a home? Should I take my house off the market until spring? What is the winter real estate market going to be like this year?”
Our answer to the housing market seasonality may really surprise you!
🎉 We know that there is so much else going on at the end of the year. Lots of parties and family gatherings. Living in a home on the market can be a pain in any season, and more so during the holidays. So, if you (or your staging clients) are in no hurry to sell, it may make sense from a convenience standpoint to hold off until the festive season is past. On the other hand...
There are some good reasons why the holidays are actually a great time to sell a home.
The first of the year is a common time for new job starts, so the weeks leading up to that are a prime time for some house hunters. With the school break, families have an opportunity to relocate with minimal learning days lost. They may also have vacation days that expire year end, so this is their window to find a new home.
Yes - the recent mortgage rate increases have buyers slowed some buyers down, but buyers who are still looking are serious buyers. These buyers are often from out of town and are more likely to have a relocation package or submit a cash offer. They are motivated buyers.
Is holiday decor ok in homes staged for sale?
Holiday decorations should be simple, minimal, and non-religious when a home is on the market. Think greenery and possibly a poinsettia. This is true only for showings. MLS photos are another story!!
There should be absolutely no holiday hints visible in the listing photos.
This goes for any other season as well. Anything that gives a clue about when photos were taken puts a visual time-stamp on those images. It tells a prospective buyer something about how long the home has been on the market.
🎄 Let's put a dollar value to a Christmas tree in a house on the market.
Price-per-square-foot is often a major factor in home value. The average Christmas tree consumes about 15 square feet of floor space. Crazy, right? Say the home is priced at $200/sq ft. That means that tree is concealing $3000 in perceived value.
All of our angels, Santas, and garlands make a home feel so cozy, but in real estate, 'cozy' equals 'small and cluttered'.
Our gift to you!
In the spirit of the season, we created a series of holiday social media posts for your home staging or real estate business. These are ready to be shared on your Facebook, Instagram, website, etc. Enjoy!
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